How to close a $1 million contract with the US Air Force to develop your innovation

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Did you know that the US Air Force has a special program to finance innovative products to fulfill their needs? Join this webinar with Mériem Britel and discover how companies can have access to non-dilutive funding to finance innovative projects. Sponsor: Spain-US Chamber of Commerce Fee: No cost Contact: Spain-US Chamber of Commerce Email: Event Registration

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Upcoming Energy Projects in the Western Hemisphere Webinar Series – Colombia

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Upcoming projects in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, the Caribbean Region, Central America, Colombia, Jamaica, and Panama Opportunities for U.S. companies in different areas of the energy sector, including generation, distribution, maintenance, modernization, efficiencies, and more Procurement needs, licensure and registration requirements in different countries. Trade barriers and market access issues U.S. Government international trade contacts to […]

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Energy Opportunities in Colombia

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The renewable energy revolution is a reality in Colombia. The country exceeded the goal of moving from less than 50 in 2018 to at least 2,500 megawatts by 2022. Natural Gas is set to become the most important fuel in the transition towards renewables in the following years. The Permanent Area Assignment Program (from the […]
